Saturday, July 14, 2007


Things are actually starting to happen. I got the letter I need for my visa. I am getting the photos taken tonight. I have acquired the money order. It is all working out I think. Monday morning I am getting all my vaccinations at Rice's Health Services, then driving my visa application to the Consulate. Only then do I get to go have a full day at work. Delicious. But hey, if I actually get to go on this trip, it will be more than worth it.

I even got a roster from USAC listing the other students going to Ghana. Sweet. I am one of 12 people who wanted to go. Well, 12 who allowed their information to be shared with the other students at least. Oh, those privacy freaks. haha. So I hope all the other students are cool. That'd be awesome. Otherwise, I will have to make my own fun- which is totally possible, but I'd like for the others to be interesting regardless. But come on, they chose to go to Ghana... how could they not be at least somewhat cool?? I think it will be a great experience and one that will allow me to build new and strong friendships. I guess it will only be a month until I actually find out.

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