Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I Know; I'm Sorry. But I Do Sort of Have an Excuse

I realize that it has been quite a while since my last post. And for that dear family-and-friends-who-are-worried-about-my-life-and-safety-in-Africa, I apologize. But alas, I am still alive and thwarting the efforts of those pesky mosquitoes. That being said, there were many things that delayed my posting including but not limited to: lack of electricity, an excursion to Makola Market, one hell of a nasty migraine, and a deep inner need to finish Catch-22 and Eragon this weekend.

OK, enough apologies... I post when I post. So, wow, two months down, two to go. Ish. That's so weird to think about. I am pretty much halfway through with my time in Ghana. Sometimes it crawls by and then other times, it just flies. It's just hard to believe that I have done, seen, and experienced so much in such a short period of time. I feel like I have been so blessed in my life. I would just like to take a moment before I continue to thank all those people who have pushed me along in life, sacrificed for me, and provided the opportunities that I have been able to experience. Thank you all. I appreciate it more than you know, and more than I usually express.


I GOT A DRUM TODAY. AND IT IS SO BADASS THAT THERE AREN'T WORDS TO DESCRIBE HOW BADASS IT IS. It has two adinkra symbols on it, and elephants, and my name, and pretty swirly patterns. It is a palago/palogo (I don't know how to spell it), which is a traditional Ghanaian style. If you can't tell, I am pretty pumped about it. Man, am I psyched! It is so pretty and so cool and I love it. Shiabu (the really cool Rasta man with dreads who made our drums and is killer when he plays and ooh so rasta-sexy) taught me how to do this really cool drum thing where you hit the drum with one hand and slide one finger across the drum with the other hand and it makes this really cool sound like "wooOOOooo-ooh." I think that you will all just have to trust me that it's a really cool sound because there is no way in hell that any of you understood that phrase to mean what I tried to make it sound like. If you have a really cool drum with your name and African symbols on the side and antelope hide as the top and you hit it with one hand while you slide your fingers across it with the other and it makes a super-cool noise then that is the one I wanted you to hear!! Probably. If you have a cool drum teacher like Shaibu. And I'm gloating now. Apologies.


I'm feeling a little sick again, so I'm going to go (this week hasn't been much for my health, unfortunately), but I will leave you with a few tidbits of internet lore:

Haley's Top 5 Favorite Sites Online (in no particular order I promise)
1. Dooce - A totally irreverent account of Heather Armstrong's life. I feel like we have similar writing styles. Maybe that's because I like to fancy myself as funny and as witty as she...

2. Postsecret - A collection of raw, unedited, honest secrets from the lives of those who choose to remain anonymous. New secrets are posted every Sunday. A beautiful art project in my opinion.

3. Flickr - Beautiful photos. If someone wants to buy me a pro account, you are more than welcome. My user name is haleyeray. Otherwise I am seriously editing my pics when I upload them back home. (You are only allowed to upload 30 pictures a month on the free accounts.)

4. Design*Sponge - This woman has impeccable taste. Impeccable. Do not even try to dissuade me of that fact.

5. Tiny Showcase - This site is cool. I love, love, love the art they have up (most weeks) and have even gotten a few pieces from the site/artists displayed thereon.

6. Wooster Collective - I know I said 5, but I forgot this one and it must be included. The best street art from all over the world. So cool. Such talent. Such beauty.

I hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into the inner life of Haley. I'll write again soon. Please do try to keep me updated on your lives as well. I am mucho interested.

Love you all,

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