Sunday, November 25, 2007

Things I Know...

  • that I can't wait to have orange juice
  • that Ghana was an amazing experience
  • that I appreciate high-speed wireless internet a whole lot more now
  • that having a washer and dryer is a luxury
  • that staph sucks
  • that I will get to see my family in two days
  • that I am so excited about Christmas it's not even funny
  • that I leave Ghana in less than 24 hours
  • that I'm glad I'm finally feeling better now
  • that I will miss the friends I have made here so much
  • that I will never go back to Wa in my life
  • that $2,000 dollars is a ridiculous amount of money to pay for shoes. It can support you in Ghana for four months
  • that keeping this blog has helped organize my thoughts and memories
  • that I still love Sudoku as much as ever
  • that I have a lot of music to listen to as soon as I get home
  • that I have a list of foods that I want to eat ASAP
  • that this flight is going to be a beeyotch
  • that I have bought RIDICULOUS amounts of gifts. Mostly small things, but for soooooo many people
  • that Facebook is the biggest procrastination tool of all time
  • that I wish I were a better correspondent
  • that I still want to go to Cote d'Ivoire
  • that I'm not sure what else to type
  • that I will miss all the fresh fruit for soo cheap
  • that sachet water is the BEST
  • that I love you all


Saturday, November 17, 2007


I am pathetic. And not feeling as good anymore. This sucks. Hardcore.

That is all.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sweet, Sweet Life- Oh How I Love Thee

Dudes and Dudettes,

I am feeling so much better today. Like ridiculously better. My spots are going away; I no longer get dizzy when I stand up. All is getting better I hope. I don't want to make a definite statement that I won't have to come home or anything since I am still uber gross with the whole open sores all over my body thing, but ya know. Let's have hope here. Anyways, that's the update.

Love you all,

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Health Update

I went to the hospital on Saturday morning and saw a different doctor. This one prescribed me with Flucloxacillin which, if you read the link, you will know, doesn't mess around. I take two pills every six hours for ten days. That adds up to eighty pills. 80 for those who don't like words. In addition to that, I have an antiseptic cleanser that I have to shower with at least three times a day and a cream that I apply after showers. Taking care of a staph infection is a full time job. The times that I am not showering, I am sleeping. And when I'm not sleeping, I'm popping pills. And when I'm not doing that I'm laying in bed groaning. It's quite pitiful. My iPod helps. But seriously, these pills should knock out anything and everything in my system by Wednesday at the latest. If not, well, I'll be seeing all of you in the States a lot sooner than I thought.

This post was mainly to keep you all informed that I am alive and hanging on. I have high hopes for this medication, but the side effects SUCK. Perma-nausea and body aches, headaches and grogginess. It's not fun.

But I still love you all and I'm trying to eat, Mom. I ate some canned vegetables today so there's no chance of food poisoning.

I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Thank you all for your well-wishes.


Friday, November 9, 2007

I Got Some 'Splaining to Do

I feel that I should finally explain to all of you why I have been in such a bad mood and haven't been funny or witty or prolific in my writings recently. I have been feeling kind of under the weather lately and went to the doctor last week to figure out why I had a weird lump growing on my neck. He said it was a skin infection and gave me antibiotics and swabbed a rash on the top of my foot. This was last Friday, one week ago. When I went back on Tuesday to get my skin test back, my neck was almost completely healed along with three of my four spots on my foot. I was psyched. I was feeling good and dreaming even better. Until I got the results. I have been diagnosed with staph. That's staphylococcus aureus for those who want the full name. I thought those antibiotics killed it until yesterday when I found five boils on my stomach and chest. So, I've been kinda busy with my three showers a day, daily changing of sheets and cleaning of wounds. Please pray for me that I overcome this. Staph is a potentially dangerous disease, but mine isn't that bad as of yet. I just finished my first round of antibiotics, but since they didn't work, I have to go back to the hospital for another prescription of something even stronger. The meds are taking a lot of strength out of me, so I pretty much just sleep and learn French all day. French has become my release. I have decided that I will be conversational in French before I come home. It is my new goal. Wish me luck. I miss you all. Send me mail.


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A, B, C's

These are the A,B,C's of Haley's travel desires. Mom tells me that I'm going to give my grandparents a heart attack. I hope not.

A is for Angkor Wat, Cambodia
B is for Bhutan
C is for Cork, Ireland
is for Dubrovnik, Croatia
E is for Ethiopia
F is for Fiji Islands
G is for Grand Canyon, USA
H is for Hunan Province, China
I is for Iceland
J is for Jerusalem, Israel
K is for Kuai, Hawaii
L is for Loch Ness, Scotland
M is for Machu Picchu, Peru
N is for Nile River
O is for Oslo, Norway
P is for Provence, France
Q is for Quebec, Canada
R is for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
S is for Seychelles Islands
T is for Teton Mountains, USA
U is for United Arab Emirates
V is for Venezuela
W is for Warsaw, Poland
X is for I have no Idea what place starts with X so I'll take a free choice and go with Easter Island
Y is for York, England
Z is for Zaire


In other news, I have figured out my visa and all is now well. I spent all day Tuesday running very un-fun errands such as getting back test results on a skin infection and being refused admission to the US Embassy and sitting around at Ghana's immigration services. Ick. But everything is fine, and I'm not dying or getting deported. I count that as a success. Anyways, it's been a tough week, so I'm out.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Haley Ray- a Recluse?

As I told you all earlier today, I have been boring this weekend and have watched quite a few movies. In fact, an obscene amount of movies. Here, I will detail them all for you:

Polar Express
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Return of the Pink Panther
Miracle on 34th Street
Polar Express
Snow White
Scent of a Woman

I think that number of movies in the span of ohhh, 72 hours is INSANE. I just kinda needed a veg out break. And it was glorious. Molly and I even made a paper chain to countdown the days until Christmas. Can you believe it is only 51 days away? I think that is so weird. I have never been in the Christmas mood like this before. I. CAN'T. WAIT. I think I am just feeling the heat and the near-death experiences and am actually getting prepared to go home. Not that long dear friends and family. Only 38 days away. 38? That is right, isn't it? Ahh, blast I never was good at math. Anyways, I'll see you soon loves. Hopefully I'll get a life before then too.



I've been boring. Sorry. Molly and I have been having a movie marathon to counteract the activity of last weekend. I'll write later.