Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A, B, C's

These are the A,B,C's of Haley's travel desires. Mom tells me that I'm going to give my grandparents a heart attack. I hope not.

A is for Angkor Wat, Cambodia
B is for Bhutan
C is for Cork, Ireland
is for Dubrovnik, Croatia
E is for Ethiopia
F is for Fiji Islands
G is for Grand Canyon, USA
H is for Hunan Province, China
I is for Iceland
J is for Jerusalem, Israel
K is for Kuai, Hawaii
L is for Loch Ness, Scotland
M is for Machu Picchu, Peru
N is for Nile River
O is for Oslo, Norway
P is for Provence, France
Q is for Quebec, Canada
R is for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
S is for Seychelles Islands
T is for Teton Mountains, USA
U is for United Arab Emirates
V is for Venezuela
W is for Warsaw, Poland
X is for I have no Idea what place starts with X so I'll take a free choice and go with Easter Island
Y is for York, England
Z is for Zaire


In other news, I have figured out my visa and all is now well. I spent all day Tuesday running very un-fun errands such as getting back test results on a skin infection and being refused admission to the US Embassy and sitting around at Ghana's immigration services. Ick. But everything is fine, and I'm not dying or getting deported. I count that as a success. Anyways, it's been a tough week, so I'm out.


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