Thursday, September 6, 2007

Horror Stories from Hell and Other News of a Technologically Deprived Soul

I don't want to freak you all out, but if you are a worrisome person, this might not be the post for you.

Disclaimer given, let me continue. Heather S. on our trip has been diagnosed with malaria. She has been in and out of the hospital for 3 days now. She feels like crap and has a blood infection on top of the malaria. No one knows quite how she got the blood infection but it still totally sucks to be that kind of sick so far away from home. So please everyone, keep her in your thoughts, well-wishes, prayers, good auras, etc. for your myriad beliefs.

Also today, we had a lecture about how the healthcare system here is so behind and the infant mortality rate, malnutrition rates, etc. are so incredibly high. Not exactly reassuring when you have a friend in the hospital with a potentially fatal disease that apparently 1 in 3 travelers will get.


Other News...

I. Classes are going well. They are sooo easy thus far. No wonder most people take at least 18 hours each semester. I am taking 16. Kinda slacker-ish, but hey, this is my semester of fun. Afterwards I will be a prisoner to photo lab, so I feel that I deserve my little break. Drumming and African Dance are my favorite classes (probably because they are the most slackerly and possibly because there are enough foreign kids that I don't get stared at all class period). Other than that I am taking Intro to Twi (the native language here); Social Anthropology; Society, Politics, and Government of Africa and Ghana; and Paleo-Historical Demography of Africa. Pretty sweet classes if you ask me. All I gotta say though is that I better get some transfer credit for Anthropology.

II. I don't have a roommate. That's right. I've got a single. Niiiiiiiiiice. It sucks a little that I don't have that instant contact to Ghanaian culture, but I've gotten to know other people's roommates so I think it will be fine. And besides, the double bed more than makes up for some cooking lessons.

III. If you are audacious enough to know/expect that you are getting a gift and want to make a request, please do so soon. I will be going to Kumasi next weekend and will do most of my gift shopping there as it is more affordable. If you would like clothes, please let me know your general measurements so I can tell the seamstresses. If it's jewelry you want, I can take color suggestions. A little sculpture you've had your eye on? Let me know and it can possibly be arranged. PS. I really do want to get gifts for all of you whom I like, but I know I will forget someone unless you tell me, so please let me know if you want something. I can promise that I won't break my bank for you so don't feel bad about that.

IV. I have read more books in the past month than I usually do in about 5. My techie self has shriveled leaving a slightly bored, but much more intellectually stimulated person. Thus far I have read: The Dubliners- James Joyce, The Curious Incident of a Dog in the Night-Time- Mark Haddon, Eat, Pray, Love- Elizabeth Gilbert, Eldest- Christopher Paolini, and I am halfway through Jude the Obscure- Thomas Hardy. I have already placed dibs on other people's books for whenever they finish them. If you have a suggestion, please comment with it, as I will be trying my hardest to find some good stuff while I'm here and have the time and dedication. Andy, I expect you to comment on this one. I'm sure you know of something I would like. In fact that goes for everyone else. Please think of one book you think I would enjoy. Whether I can get it here remains to be seen, but I will at least try.

Thank you again for a lovely audienceship. I appreciate your reading my blog and I especially love you if you comment!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A book I think Haley would like...

I don´t know your taste exactly, but I just read the princess bride, which i recommend reading. I will ponder this further and get back to you.
