Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sad Day :(

Yesterday was a sad day indeed. I finally broke down and took my cartilage piercing out. Yes, Mom, the one you always hated. I had it done with a gun instead of a hollow needle which was mistake number one. Mistake number two was bringing any extra hole in my body with me to Africa. Africa and infection-prone piercings do not mix. AT ALL. But as I have learned that valuable but oh-so-painful lesson, I'm going to get it re-pierced when I go back for Christmas. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal to take out a piercing, but I really loved that lil' sucker, so it seems like a part of me is gone. I know I did the right thing though as my left ear has changed from a purplish hell color back to normal flesh and almost matches my undefiled right ear. It also doesn't make me gasp with pain whenever anyone touches it or wake me up when I roll over in my sleep. Yes, I did the right thing but boy, am I pissed about it.

Now I've got my panties all in a wad. I think I need a nap.


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