Friday, September 7, 2007

Another Night, Another Dream

Don't ask my why I have the Real McCoy of all bands stuck in my head, but I do and now I have to deal with it. I hope I get it stuck in all of your heads too. "Another night, another dream, but always you/ Another vision of love that seems to be true." At least I think those are the words. It's weird that I could be thinking of anything at all and here, in Ghana, in Africa, I start singing Real McCoy songs over and over. I must be bored.

So today I have a few errands to run... I am planning on adding my Drumming class before the deadline today at 5, confirming my Archaeology class, buying an assortment of things (spoon, fork, cup, dish towel, maybe a pot) at the Bush Canteen (small market) on campus. Then I've got to go to the bank so I can get 1 Cedi bills instead of carrying around 10s. See, no one has change in the whole country. There is a shortage of change. I don't know how that can be true, but it is, so you have to go to the bank and get really small bills otherwise you wont be able to buy anything. Then I've got to go pay my Program Director back for my visit to le hospital, since she ponied up for me at the time. Then maybe to the food market on campus for some stuff for dinner. Who knows. The day has endless possibilities. Heather M., Monica, Cobi, and I are all going to the orphanage around 2pm-ish. So that will take a bit of time. It should be pretty good. I'm excited.

Other than that I'm kinda out of stuff to say for today. I've posted the last few days in a row, so I feel I'm pretty up to date. So I guess it's time for my random bits of advice.

1. Never buy shoes from Ghana. Just trust me. There is a story to come about this.
2. If someone asks if you are married, always say yes. Then pick a random ex and start describing them so you don't make mistakes in your story. It's always easier to tell about something you already know than make up someone you will have to remember.
3. Don't offer to let a pre-med student help you decorate your curtains. You might just end up with the female reproductive system hanging over your bed. (Note: This mistake was made by Heather M., not me. But still HILARIOUS all the same.)
4. Take toilet paper with you everywhere. You probably won't find it wherever you're going.
5. If someone comes up to you and asks for money, ask them for something of theirs in return. The reaction is priceless. I know this sounds heartless, but people will ask you for money when they are dressed better than you are and clearly are not in need of anything. Molly asked some guy for his really nice watch in return for his request for money once. He just looked at her quite shocked and confused, then left us alone.

Hope you've all had a great week and I'll post again next week!! Bye all!


Anonymous said...


Thank you for your posts. I enjoy them dailey and have passed your blog site on to many people. I love you.


Unknown said...

Your gift to me will be your return in January... the place almost looks homey!

Anonymous said...

Hey I love you soooooooooooooo much see ya at Christmas ABBY