Monday, September 10, 2007

My New Friend, SIKE!

Oh yeah, I definitely just pulled out the SIKE card. You know you were all waiting for it. I know it. Don't even try to lie to me. So back to my new frienemy. You might know it's cousin in the US, known by the same name. It is called mold. But the mold in the US is nice, polite, could even be a cute little pet. It's like, "Aww. That mold- got into the cheese again. Guess we'll just cut off a chunk and put it back in the fridge." See- cute. Not like its vicious cousin here in Ghana. Mold here grows like Kudzu in the States; there's just no stopping it. So far, I have noticed things molding and thought it was just a one time thing. You know, no biggie. I remembered the adorable mold from the States. Oh ho, not so, dear readers. Let me describe to you the things that have molded thus far: a peanut, one dress, my pewter heels, a leather bag, a rubber band, the spine of Molly's book that I borrowed, MY METAL CELL PHONE. Please tell me: HOW DOES METAL MOLD???? It is a new mystery to me. I really am thinking of going to the hospital to make sure that my lungs aren't infested with mold. Because it seems like the rest of my life is.

So yesterday, I bought bleach and a scrubby sponge and attacked all the untreated wooden furniture in my room. Note that all of the furniture in my room is untreated wood. So now my room smells not just of mold, but of bleach too. I practically get a headache just from walking in there. I even had to sleep in Heather M.'s room last night as I couldn't bear it anymore. Luckily, when I just checked WikiHow, I did the right thing by annihilating the room with a bleach/water mixture. Thank God for common sense and domestic know-how. (I never thought I would say that, haha)

Anyways, this weekend I go to Kumasi, the cultural center of Ghana and the seat of the Asante kingdom. Perhaps I will get to meet the chief? Who knows? Also we will be visiting the fabulous Mole National Park [and it's pronounced Moh-lay for all you Southern hicks, I know you :)] where we will get to see elephants, and monkeys, and lions, and antelope, and I WANT TO SEE A ZEBRA. Ok, freak out over, but I really do hope to see all kinds of cool wildlife. This is my first semi-safari experience and I plan to make it count with some tiger chasing, giraffe climbing, hippo feeding action. Or something like that. Don't worry too much Mom and Rachel, I will still keep Rule #1: "No dying" always at the front of my mind or at least right behind, "Ooooh, cheetah!! Can I touch it?" Hahaha. I leave on Thursday and don't get back until Monday night, so be patient with me about posting. I will try to post again before I leave. But just in case I get trampled by wild bison chasing a heron, I love you all dearly and please be kind when you divide up my things. Will (Ray) gets the laptop since he is probably the only other member of the family who can use Linux. On that note, bye and don't forget the book suggestions!!!


Anonymous said...

Grandaddy and Granny say "hey."

Enjoy reading about your activities.
Be safe!!

Anonymous said...

Rebecca is a GREAT book. It's a gothic romance. You've probably seen the hitchcock movie. I need to start recording which books I read, because I can never remember.

Love, Devon